All groups in Crystalline are concrete instances of the abstract supertype Crystalline.AbstractGroup{D}
, referring to a group in D
dimensions. Crystalline.AbstractGroup{D}
is itself a subtype of AbstractVector{SymOperation{D}}
. Crystalline currently supports five group types: SpaceGroup
, PointGroup
, LittleGroup
, SubperiodicGroup
, SiteGroup
, and MSpaceGroup
Example: space groups
The one, two, and three-dimensional space groups are accessible via spacegroup
, which takes the space group number sgnum
and dimension D
or Val(D)
as input and returns a SpaceGroup{D}
using Crystalline
D = 3 # dimension
sgnum = 16 # space group number (≤2 in 1D, ≤17 in 2D, ≤230 in 3D)
sg = spacegroup(sgnum, D) # or `spacegroup(sngum, Val(D))`
SpaceGroup{3} ⋕16 (P222) with 4 operations:
Where practical, spacegroup
should be called with a Val(D)
dimension to ensure type stability; here and elsewhere in the documentation, we will often use D::Int
instead for simplicity.
By default, the returned operations are given in the conventional setting of the International Tables of Crystallography, Volume A (ITA). Conversion to a primitive basis (in the CDML setting) can be accomplished via primitivize
In addition to space groups, Crystalline.jl provides access to the operations of point groups (pointgroup
), little groups (littlegroups
), subperiodic groups (subperiodicgroup
; including rod, layer, and frieze groups), site symmetry groups (sitegroup
and sitegroups
), and magnetic space groups (mspacegroup
Multiplication tables
We can compute the multiplication table of a space group (under the previously defined notion of operator composition) using MultTable
4×4 MultTable{SymOperation{3}}:
│ 1 2₀₀₁ 2₀₁₀ 2₁₀₀
1 │ 1 2₀₀₁ 2₀₁₀ 2₁₀₀
2₀₀₁ │ 2₀₀₁ 1 2₁₀₀ 2₀₁₀
2₀₁₀ │ 2₀₁₀ 2₁₀₀ 1 2₀₀₁
2₁₀₀ │ 2₁₀₀ 2₀₁₀ 2₀₀₁ 1
Alternatively, exploiting overloading of the *
-operator, "raw" multiplication tables can be constructed via a simple outer product:
sg .* permutedims(sg) # equivalent to `reshape(kron(sg, sg), (length(sg), length(sg)))`
4×4 Matrix{SymOperation{3}}:
1 2₀₀₁ 2₀₁₀ 2₁₀₀
2₀₀₁ 1 2₁₀₀ 2₀₁₀
2₀₁₀ 2₁₀₀ 1 2₀₀₁
2₁₀₀ 2₀₁₀ 2₀₀₁ 1
Symmorphic vs. nonsymorphic space groups
To determine whether a space group is symmorphic or not, use issymmorph
taking either a SpaceGroup
, LittleGroup
, or SubperiodicGroup
(or a SpaceGroup
identified by its number and dimensionality; in this case, using tabulated look-up). To test whether a given SymOperation
is symmorphic in a given centering setting, use issymmorph(::SymOperation, ::Char)
Group generators
Generators of SpaceGroup
s, PointGroup
s, and SubperiodicGroup
s are accessible via generators
, e.g.:
ops = generators(sgnum, SpaceGroup{D})
2-element Vector{SymOperation{3}}:
To generate a group from a list of generators, we can use the generate
method. As an example, we can verify that ops
in fact returns symmetry operations identical to those in sg
GenericGroup{3} with 4 operations:
Magnetic space groups
Magnetic space groups are accessible via mspacegroup