Isosurfaces with space group symmetry
— TypeUnityFourierLattice{D} <: AbstractFourierLattice{D}
A general D
-dimensional Fourier (plane wave) lattice specified by orbits of reciprocal lattice vectors (orbits
) and coefficient interrelations (orbitcoefs
)). The norm of all elements in orbitcoefs
is unity. orbits
(and associated coefficients) are sorted in order of increasing norm (low to high).
— TypeModulatedFourierLattice{D} <: AbstractFourierLattice{D}
-dimensional concrete Fourier (plane wave) lattice, derived from a UnityFourierLattice{D}
by scaling and modulating its orbit coefficients by complex numbers; in general, the coefficients do not have unit norm.
— Functionlevelsetlattice(sgnum::Integer, D::Integer=2, idxmax::NTuple=ntuple(i->2,D))
--> UnityFourierLattice{D}
Compute a "neutral"/uninitialized Fourier lattice basis, a UnityFourierLattice
, consistent with the symmetries of the space group sgnum
in dimension D
. The resulting lattice flat
is expanded in a Fourier basis split into symmetry-derived orbits, with intra-orbit coefficients constrained by the symmetries of the space-group. The inter-orbit coefficients are, however, free and unconstrained.
The Fourier resolution along each reciprocal lattice vector is controlled by idxmax
: e.g., if D = 2
and idxmax = (2, 3)
, the resulting Fourier lattice may contain reciprocal lattice vectors (k₁, k₂) with k₁∈[0,±1,±2] and k₂∈[0,±1,±2,±3], referred to a 𝐆-basis.
This "neutral" lattice can, and usually should, be subsequently modulated by modulate
(which modulates the inter-orbit coefficients, which may eliminate "synthetic symmetries" that can exist in the "neutral" configuration, due to all inter-orbit coefficients being set to unity).
Compute a UnityFourierLattice
, modulate it with random inter-orbit coefficients via modulate
, and finally plot it (via PyPlot.jl):
julia> uflat = levelsetlattice(16, Val(2))
julia> flat = modulate(uflat)
julia> Rs = directbasis(16, Val(2))
julia> using PyPlot
julia> plot(flat, Rs)
— Functionmodulate(flat::UnityFourierLattice{D},
modulation::AbstractVector{ComplexF64}=rand(ComplexF64, length(getcoefs(flat))),
expon::Union{Nothing, Real}=nothing, Gs::Union{ReciprocalBasis{D}, Nothing}=nothing)
--> ModulatedFourierLattice{D}
Derive a concrete, modulated Fourier lattice from a UnityFourierLattice
(containing the interrelations between orbit coefficients), by multiplying the "normalized" orbit coefficients by a modulation
, a complex modulating vector (in general, should be complex; otherwise restores unintended symmetry to the lattice). Distinct modulation
vectors produce distinct realizations of the same lattice described by the original flat
. By default, a random complex vector is used.
An exponent expon
can be provided, which introduces a penalty term to short- wavelength features (i.e. high-|G| orbits) by dividing the orbit coefficients by |G|^expon
; producing a "simpler" and "smoother" lattice boundary when expon > 0
(reverse for expon < 0
). This basically amounts to a continuous "simplifying" operation on the lattice (it is not necessarily a smoothing operation; it simply suppresses "high-frequency" components). If expon = nothing
, no rescaling is performed. If Gs
is provided as nothing
, the orbit norm is computed in the reciprocal lattice basis (and, so, may not strictly speaking be a norm if the lattice basis is not cartesian); to account for the basis explicitly, Gs
must be provided as a ReciprocalBasis
, see also normscale
— Methodprimitivize(flat::AbstractFourierLattice, cntr::Char) --> ::typeof(flat)
Given flat
referred to a conventional basis with centering cntr
, compute the derived (but physically equivalent) lattice flat′
referred to the associated primitive basis.
Specifically, if flat
refers to a direct conventional basis Rs
$≡ (\mathbf{a} \mathbf{b} \mathbf{c})$ [with coordinate vectors $\mathbf{r} ≡ (r_1, r_2, r_3)^{\mathrm{T}}$] then flat′
refers to a direct primitive basis Rs′
$≡ (\mathbf{a}' \mathbf{b}' \mathbf{c}') ≡ (\mathbf{a} \mathbf{b} \mathbf{c})\mathbf{P}$ [with coordinate vectors $\mathbf{r}' ≡ (r_1', r_2', r_3')^{\mathrm{T}} = \mathbf{P}^{-1}\mathbf{r}$], where $\mathbf{P}$ denotes the basis-change matrix obtained from primitivebasismatrix(...)
To compute the associated primitive basis vectors, see primitivize(::DirectBasis, ::Char)
[specifically, Rs′ = primitivize(Rs, cntr)
A centered ('c') lattice from plane group 5 in 2D, plotted in its conventional and primitive basis (requires using PyPlot
julia> sgnum = 5; D = 2; cntr = centering(sgnum, D) # 'c' (body-centered)
julia> Rs = directbasis(sgnum, Val(D)) # conventional basis (rectangular)
julia> flat = levelsetlattice(sgnum, Val(D)) # Fourier lattice in basis of Rs
julia> flat = modulate(flat) # modulate the lattice coefficients
julia> plot(flat, Rs)
julia> Rs′ = primitivize(Rs, cntr) # primitive basis (oblique)
julia> flat′ = primitivize(flat, cntr) # Fourier lattice in basis of Rs′
julia> using PyPlot
julia> plot(flat′, Rs′)
— Methodconventionalize(flat::AbstractFourierLattice, cntr::Char) --> ::typeof(flat′)
Given flat
referred to a primitive basis with centering cntr
, compute the derived (but physically equivalent) lattice flat′
referred to the associated conventional basis.
See also the complementary method primitivize(::AbstractFourierLattice, ::Char)
for additional details.
— Method(flat::AbstractFourierLattice)(xyz) --> Float64
(flat::AbstractFourierLattice)(xyzs...) --> Float64
Evaluate an AbstractFourierLattice
at the point xyz
and return its real part, i.e.
\[ \mathop{\mathrm{Re}}\sum_i c_i \exp(2\pi i\mathbf{G}_i\cdot\mathbf{r})\]
with $\mathrm{G}_i$ denoting reciprocal lattice vectors in the allowed orbits of flat
, with $c_i$ denoting the associated coefficients (and $\mathbf{r} \equiv$ xyz
may be any iterable object with dimension matching flat
consisting of real numbers (e.g., a Tuple
, Vector
, or SVector
). Alternatively, the coordinates can be supplied individually (i.e., as flat(x, y, z)