
All groups in Crystalline are concrete instances of the abstract supertype Crystalline.AbstractGroup{D}, referring to a group in D dimensions. Crystalline.AbstractGroup{D} is itself a subtype of AbstractVector{SymOperation{D}}. Crystalline currently supports five group types: SpaceGroup, PointGroup, LittleGroup, SubperiodicGroup, SiteGroup, and MSpaceGroup.

Example: space groups

The one, two, and three-dimensional space groups are accessible via spacegroup, which takes the space group number sgnum and dimensino D as input (ideally, the dimension is provided as a Val{D} for the sake of type stability) and returns a SpaceGroup{D} structure:

using Crystalline

D     = 3  # dimension
sgnum = 16 # space group number (≤2 in 1D, ≤17 in 2D, ≤230 in 3D)
sg    = spacegroup(sgnum, D) # where practical, `spacegroup` should be called with a `Val{D}` dimension to ensure type stability; here we have D::Int instead for simplicity
SpaceGroup{3} ⋕16 (P222) with 4 operations:

By default, the returned operations are given in the conventional setting of the International Tables of Crystallography, Volume A (ITA). Conversion to a primitive basis (in the CDML setting) can be accomplished via primitivize.

In addition to space groups, Crystalline.jl provides access to the operations of point groups (pointgroup](@ref)), little groups (littlegroups](@ref)), subperiodic groups (subperiodicgroup](@ref); including rod, layer, and frieze groups), and site symmetry groups (sitegroup).

Multiplication tables

We can compute the multiplication table of a space group (under the previously defined notion of operator composition) using MultTable:

4×4 MultTable{SymOperation{3}}:
      │    1  2₀₀₁  2₀₁₀  2₁₀₀
    1 │    1  2₀₀₁  2₀₁₀  2₁₀₀
 2₀₀₁ │ 2₀₀₁     1  2₁₀₀  2₀₁₀
 2₀₁₀ │ 2₀₁₀  2₁₀₀     1  2₀₀₁
 2₁₀₀ │ 2₁₀₀  2₀₁₀  2₀₀₁     1

Alternatively, exploiting overloading of the *-operator, "raw" multiplication tables can be constructed via a simple outer product:

sg .* permutedims(sg) # equivalent to `reshape(kron(sg, sg), (length(sg), length(sg)))`
4×4 Matrix{SymOperation{3}}:
 1     2₀₀₁  2₀₁₀  2₁₀₀
 2₀₀₁  1     2₁₀₀  2₀₁₀
 2₀₁₀  2₁₀₀  1     2₀₀₁
 2₁₀₀  2₀₁₀  2₀₀₁  1

Symmorphic vs. nonsymorphic space groups

To determine whether a space group is symmorphic or not, use issymmorph taking either a SpaceGroup, LittleGroup, or SubperiodicGroup (or a SpaceGroup identified by its number and dimensionality; in this case, using tabulated look-up). To test whether a given SymOperation is symmorphic in a given centering setting, use issymmorph(::SymOperation, ::Char)

Group generators

Generators of SpaceGroups, PointGroups, and SubperiodicGroups are accessible via generators, e.g.:

ops = generators(sgnum, SpaceGroup{D})
2-element Vector{SymOperation{3}}:

To generate a group from a list of generators, we can use the generate method. As an example, we can verify that ops in fact returns symmetry operations identical to those in sg:

GenericGroup{3}  with 4 operations:

Magnetic space groups

Magnetic space groups are accessible via mspacegroup.